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Everyone must apply for a school place, as there is no automatic entry for any school (click here).
For 2024/2025 Ellistown School will have class sizes of 30.
All admission applications should be made through the Leicestershire Local Authority website.
Contact by Phone: 01163056684 Email: Website:
Appeals for a Primary School place must be made through the Leicestershire Local Authority website.
Admissions Policy - LCC 2024-2025
Appeal for a Primary School place link - LCC
Before you apply for your child’s school place for September 2025, please make sure the following applies to you:
We’ve made it quick and easy to apply online through the parent portal:
We work hard to make sure everyone is happy with their school place, but demand is high. We really don’t want anyone to be disappointed, so do make sure you select three schools and send the application before the deadline on 15th January 2025. After this date all applications filed on time will be considered together, ahead of any submitted late.
If your application is late the school place your child gets might not be local to you because priority will be given to those who applied on time. There is no automatic entry for schools.
If you’re applying for an education, health and care plan (EHCP) and you think your child might attend a specialist school, it is still important to fill out an application for a mainstream primary school place. This will ensure they will have a school place in the autumn. If you need any help, the school admissions team will be available to you Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9am - 4pm. They will be offline to parents on Tuesdays and Thursdays to focus on the applications received.
The results for the September 2024 primary school applications received by Sunday, 15 January 2023 will be made available on primary school offer day – 16th April 2025 or the closest next working day. Starting school is a big milestone and a very exciting time for children and families alike. We wish you the very best.
Yours sincerely Jane Moore
Director of Children and Family Services, Leicestershire County Council, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicestershire LE3 8RF Telephone: 0116 232 3232 Fax: 0116 305 6310 Email:
The Result Of Rudeness
The Result Of Rudeness Dear Parents and Carers, Yesterday we had a whole school assembly with all staff and children in order to reset our expectations around how we speak and act around one another - with our school rule of 'Be Respectful' at the heart. Recently we have seen an increasing nu...
Leavers Hoodies
Friends Of Ellistown Primary School have designed the year 6 "Leavers Hoodies" . This is not something we have...
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Ellistown Community Primary School
Headteacher: Mrs Simone Fellows
Whitehill Road, Ellistown
Leicestershire LE67 1EN
Tel: 01530 260301
© 2025 Ellistown Community Primary School. All rights reserved.
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