We have an exciting opportunity to enrich our history unit with a trip to Snibston Colliery on Friday 11th October 2024 from 8:45am – 3:00pm.
The visit includes a colliery tour of the above ground buildings to learn about life in the pits. Children will also take part in a role play called 'Children of the Dark' which looks at child labour in the coalmines during the 1830s/40s. The role play will involve the children re-enacting the role of a trapper, putter and hewer in a specially created 'coalface'. Finally, children will take part in a session on 1930s - 50s wash day 'The Miners' Wife'. There will also be time to explore the colliery park and complete some science activities on the nature trail.
The children will need to take a pack lunch.
As you will see from the itemised costs below, the price of the coach alone would be £11.60 per child. We are keen to keep costs down for parents so are subsidising the cost of the insurance and activities. As this is such a local trip, we are also asking parents to drop off and collect from the Snibston site. This will enable us to keep the trip free for parents.
We are aware that some parents will need to get to work, and/or will have siblings to bring to school therefore we are having a 30 minute window for drop off and collection. We also suggest sharing lifts with other parents where possible. Please meet us at the entry to the Century Theatre between 8.45 and 9.15 am and collect from the same place between 3.00 and 3.30pm. Mrs Davies and other members at staff will be there at these times. Please let us know in advance who will be collecting your child if it is not their parent.
In agreement with the governing board, we have made the decision to run trips in a different way this school year. We will still be offering the same trips, but will not be advertising our day trips to the children and instead will send letters directly to parents via Arbor.
Trips will not be booked until all payments have been made and will not go ahead if all payments have not received. Day trips will continue to be free for children on our Pupil Premium Register.
This trip will cost £0.00 as this has been subsidised by FEPS but you will still need to consent to this trip by going to the trips section of your Arbor app by Wednesday 9th October 2024.
Any questions please come and speak to me.
Mrs Davies & Mrs Forbes – Class Teachers
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Ellistown Community Primary School
Headteacher: Mrs Simone Fellows
Whitehill Road, Ellistown
Leicestershire LE67 1EN
Tel: 01530 260301
Email: admin@ellistown.leics.sch.uk
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